Thursday, July 11, 2013

Learning Styles 101

Every college student learns differently. It is important for each student to be able to decipher the way that they learn in order for them to be able to learn effectively. Specific learning styles include: visual, aural, verbal, physical, and logical I will discuss each of these in order to help each of you determine the way that you learn best. You may have one, you may have two maybe three, or you may embrace all of these learning styles with pride.
            Those who learn visually prefer to have pictures, colors, and maps to organize their train of thoughts and to be able to communicate with others. Visual learners tend to have a good sense of space. If you are a visual learner, you probably love to draw and doodle. Some learning techniques for visual learners are: use pictures, colors, and other visual “media” to help you learn better, replace words with pictures, and use the “visual journey technique”, which helps you memorize information that is not easy to see.
            If you like to work with sound and music, then you are most likely an aural learner. There may be times that certain music will bring on certain memories and you often times find yourself humming a song. Some learning techniques for aural learners are: use music when learning and then again when you are studying, and create mnemonics to jingles.
            If you are a verbal learner, you find it easy to express yourself both verbally and using the written word. You probably also like to play with the meaning of words. Some effective learning techniques for verbal learners are: talk yourself through procedures, use recordings of your notes for repetition, set key points to rhythms, use mnemonics, and when you read a document out loud make it dramatic.
            If you are a physical-kinesthetic learner then you are probably more sensitive to the world around you. You tend to notice different textures and learn best by making models and “getting your hands dirty.” Some learning style techniques are: use physical objects as much as possible, use breathing and relaxation while you learn, and engage in role playing.
            Logical learners like to use their brain for logical reasoning. If you are a logical learner you tend to work through your problems in a systematic way and you like to create procedures for future use. Some techniques that you can use to help with your learning are: pay attention to your breathing and stress levels, use lists while taking notes and studying, don’t over analyze, and have a “do it now” approach.  

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