Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How to CRAM for Your Exams.

Cramming for finals is NOT recommended but we are near the end of the semester and oops, you forgot to get these study sessions in. Here are some simple steps to help you cram for your exams.
1.      Eat healthy snacks while studying. If your stomach is growling at you to feed it, your brain will be focused more on your empty stomach than the actual learning part. Protein is recommended because it lasts longer and makes you feel fuller. Avoid caffeine and sugar if you can. They have a crash waiting at the end for you and you don’t want to crash right before an exam.
2.      Sleep! Yes, you need to sleep. It is better to know a little and remember it than to know all of it but not able to remember it. So set a time (and set the alarm!) for you to sleep, no matter how much or how little you think you learned.
3.      Find a place where you won’t be distracted. Make sure you are comfortable before starting. Do NOT have study buddies. They can be time drainers, especially if they are not focused on studying or too focused on one topic they are stuck on.
4.      Gather your materials you will need. This includes your notes, study guides, the syllabus, and your textbook. Organize your notes in the order of importance at the best of your knowledge or by the syllabus. Your syllabus is your best friend, especially if the professor points out the main concepts in it.
5.      Make a game plan. Figure out how much time you really have and use it wisely. Figure out what you think is worthy of your limited time to study on. Focus on main concepts and formulas you are less familiar with and make connections with those you do know. You won’t be able to learn everything so focus on material that will get you the most points on your exam.
6.      Write it down and recite it out loud! The more senses you use, the better you have a chance of retaining the information. Typing does NOT count as writing so get that pen and paper out!
7.      Take breaks. Your brain can handle so much before it will wander or shut down completely. You may not be studying as long as you’ll like but you will retain more information by studying in bursts. You can stretch, walk, or whatever you need to feel refreshed and ready to get back on task.
8.      Take a deep breath. You are doing the best you can in a short period of time to cram about 3 months’ worth of class material.
9.      Eat a wholesome breakfast before you take the exam. You will think better if you are not hungry.
     GOOD LUCK on your exams!

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