Monday, September 30, 2013

Mid Term Preparation

Mid-Term exams are quickly approaching. Test time can be very stressful for students, but if you take the right approach and do it correctly then the stress level can be significantly reduced.  

1.  Start studying as early and as often as you can. Don't cram all night or immediately before exams. Instead, study for shorter periods of time on a regular basis.

2.       Study during daylight hours. Doing it at night means you're probably doing it tired. Tired people don't focus well or retain as much.

3.       Exercise before you study. Take a jog, ride a bike, etc. The movement will increase blood flow to your brain.

4.       Study in different places. According to the New York Times, just switching study spots each time you study increases data retention. Come up with a routine. Hit the library, the coffee shop, your dorm room, and whatever study lounges you can find. The point here: variety is important.

5.       Know your ideal environment. If you study best in a group, find one. If you like your silence, skip the coffee shop. Know how your brain works, where you can and can't focus, and make the extra effort to find conditions you excel under.

Need more help? Stop into 195 Jewett Hall on the Augusta campus and meet with one of our mentors.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Organization 101

Organization is very important in college. It is almost impossible for a person to be successful in their journey throughout college if they have poor organizational skills.

  • ·         Take a look at your syllabus for each class. Write in your planner when assignments are due, exams, etc. For bigger assignments write in your planner when you expect to have each part done. This can help make the assignment seem smaller; causing less stress.

  • ·         It is also recommended that you buy your school books in advance. Begin reading your books about a week before classes begin so that you are not falling behind before the semester even begins. Many classes entail heavy reading and getting a head start could be in your benefit.

  • ·         Being able to take effective notes during classes will help you stay organized. Knowing what to write down can save on space in your notebook. Also, it is very important that you use a separate notebook for every class. Keeping your notes in an organized manner leads to success in classes.

These are just some of the helpful tips that are offered to our students. For more tips on organization feel free to stop into the Cornerstone office in 195 Jewett Hall!