Monday, April 21, 2014

Great ideas for Summer vacation!

The finals are done or are almost being done. The sun is out and it is a beautiful day. There will be many more coming up soon. Your brain is scrambled from all the textbook reading, writing assignments, studying, and taking exams. You have a whole summer ahead of you and have no idea what to do with the time before fall semester starts again. The list below will give you some idea what you can do with your free time. The most relevant to school are on top of the list.

1.    Take an online class.
2.    Create new systems to help you success in your next year such as a way to keep your college papers organized.
3.    Get a head start on your fall classes.
4.    Take a fun class such as a dance, music, art, or photo class.
5.    Join a school or community club.
6.    Be a tourist in your own town. Take picture and document what you see.
7.    Get a funky haircut.
8.    Go camping.
9.    Build a personal website.
10.           Go to the gym.
11.           Have a bbq, bonfire, or a block party.
12.           Go to a museum or a play.
13.           Challenge one of your fears.
14.           Take a bus, train, or an airplane to a place you want to go or never been.
15.           Go to a festival such as a music or film festival.
16.           Read a book or listen to one.
17.           Try a new video game.
18.           Get a massage.
19.           Go to a sports game or play a sport.
20.           Volunteer.
21.           Take a bike ride or go for a walk.
22.           Try a new food either at a restaurant or cooking one.
23.           Go through your old stuff and donate what you don’t need.
This are some ideas that can keep you from being bored over the summer. If you can come up with other ideas, please let your fellow students know what they are by posting them below.

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