Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Career Path Choices: Why Internships Are Important

You have just walked across the graduation stage with a 3.0 GPA or better, an impressive cover letter, a killer resume, and rapturous* letters of recommendation. One problem you seem to be having is you just can’t land that perfect job.
It may be the internship piece that is missing from the puzzle. In order words, you do not have the job experience that potential employers are looking for. Employers do not make internships to be nice to students. Employers create internships to evaluate the students in their field of work and seek out new potential employees. This is easier than directly hiring a person and find out that person does not fit the company. It can happen the other way around, too. The company may not fit with the employee.
You, as an internship employee, have benefits as well. You can test run a career or a company by going into an internship without committing to a job. You will learn new skills that were not taught in a classroom. You may earn certifications that are hard to get on your own or won’t be able to earn through a college. You could possibly gain a mentor in your field of work. You will also get a “real life” perceptive of what you will be doing in the company and in that field of work. You have a chance to network. In this day and age, skills and education are not enough. It matters on who you know as well. Some employers know who they are going to hire before they even have the job advertisement out!
So when you do get an internship, don’t forget to impress your co-workers and employer by doing a great job and going beyond what is expected of you. This could lead to a potential job or at least a great recommendation letter.
Get out there, get an internship, and show them what you can really do! You may even impress yourself with your abilities.

*full of, feeling, or manifesting ecstatic joy or delight

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